Eu ban on amalgam ignites sparks across dental profession
15 March 2024For all the latest headlines sent straight to your inbox, join our mailing list by emailing us today!
The unknown dental dangers caused by the menopause
EU ban on tooth-filling material will lead to ‘collapse of NHS dental services’ in Northern Ireland
What is oil pulling? The real facts behind this oral hygiene trend
Scotland: Payment reform update
Arctic-white teeth shine all over our TVs. But is the veneer trend doomed?
Can face yoga replace botox or fix your facial symmetry woes?
Everyone’s talking about filler migration, here’s why
Renewable energy
Goal power: Manchester City’s training facility goes solar
AI Could Play Pivotal Role in Renewable Energy Transition
Australian renewable sector recorded ‘alarming’ slowdown in 2023, energy body finds
Where Heat Pumps Win — And Where They Lose
“It takes too long:” Solar and wind farm blockers to be weeded out to fast-track renewable projects
Welsh Government supports Pembroke Port’s floating wind initiative
Ireland on track to miss €250bn offshore wind investment, energy leaders warn