Calls for reform and global records being broken
16 May 2022Just some of the recent headlines from national and professional news for your viewing pleasure…
Dental/healthcare/cosmetic news
Cost of living: ‘I had to choose between heating or my teeth’
National infection prevention and control
Children suffering in pain after dental care ‘collapsed’ during pandemic
Healthwatch Norfolk call on government to introduce ‘reformed dental contract’
147 Dental Jokes That Will Make You Grin
Survey asks for experiences to dental treatment from mentally ill
Amber Heard botox bruise rumors explained amid ongoing Johnny Depp trial
Renewable energy news
Renewable power set to break global record in 2022
Planet Mark Partners with Octopus Energy’s Business Sustainability Hub
UK property developer acquires share in Kirk Hill
UK oil capital tackles the energy transition… up to a point
Norway plans summer surveys for offshore wind zones
Offshore wind to methanol | Engie and partners to combine 1.85GW of green hydrogen with captured CO2